Here is a breakdown of what the highs and lows of entrepreneurship look like:
Sometimes entrepreneur life looks like:
Worrying about where your next paycheque will come from
Filling taxes on the last possible date
Feeling constantly behind
Never being able to catch up on your inbox
Wondering if you made the right decision
Not knowing if you can handle more stress
Feeling like no one “get’s it”
But THEN, you have moments like this
When you meet others who get it
The joy of making money while you’re on vacation
Freedom to set your own schedule
When you make twice your 9-5 paycheque
That feeling when you take a risk and it works
When you spend hours marketing something & it pays off
When you look back at all you have accomplished
There are so many highs and lows that come along with entrepreneurship, and honestly, I don’t think the lows get talked about enough. I think there has been shame associated with a lot of the lows. We are “allowed” to say that we are busy & stressed, but are nervous to talk about the reality of that. There is no shame in not having it all together.
I hope that this generation of entrepreneurs thrives. I hope we use our drive, creativity and hope for the future to craft sustainable businesses that help our communities be better places. But I also hope that we don’t shy away from talking about the hard stuff.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, send me a DM on instagram.
xo Victoria
PS This post was originally sent out to our email list subscribers. If you haven’t joined the email club, do it now by clicking here.
We are Levi and Victoria. Husband and wife creative team based in Kelowna, British Columbia. We are photographers and entrepreneurs who specialize in wedding photography & helping others build profitable brands in line with their passions.