The dream.
A lot of couples dream of being able to see their significant other all the time. We get it. That was us a few years ago. But what happens when you go from being like ships in the night, passing by and checking in a few times a week, to suddenly spending every waking moment together?! It can be a bit of a shock.
When we first got married, we had a crazy schedule. Levi was working up to 50 hours a week doing concrete, Victoria was working 30 hours a week at a print shop & also in school full time. Both of us were also very involved with our church & our close relationships. Between work, school, friends & church, there was very little time that the two of us spent together. We dreamed of a time in life when we would be able to actually spend more than a day together.

Our Reality
Somehow that has become our reality. We love being able to work together and plan out our days as a couple, but just like all possible good things…not every day is roses. Now that we also run our business together, this adds a whole other dimension to our relationship. Conversations about business can easily be taken personally, and it can be hard to have personal space when you are both working from a small basement suite together.
Being Apart
One thing that we do value is the time we can take apart. Being apart truly does make the heart grow fonder. So whenever there are days or weekends of us not being together, it can help grow our marriage. For us, our friendships & interests individually are extremely important, because we believe that even in marriages, you still need to be growing as your own person.

Keeping things Intentional
Being together so much means we continually set up rhythms as a couple to keep our marriage intentional. Things include doing our marriage journal, having days when we can just chill the two of us, planning weekends away with our individual friends, as well as putting aside some cash for times when we want to go on a date.
Boundaries are also important when it comes to the business side of our relationship. We have to be careful about mixing business and personal conversations, as disagreements can easily happen when they get mixed. We try to be strict about not talking about any business problems when we are trying to getting ready to wind down for the night, as there is nothing that we can usually do at that time of night to help the situation.

All in all, we have learned so much in this season of trying to work together while also continually pursuing our marriage.
We aren’t perfect, we have to apologize to one another many times throughout the week, but we do really love one another and that we get to create our dream life together.
xo Victoria & Levi
ps If you are a married creative couple, send us a message on insta!! we would love to hear about your experience